Saturday 24 May 2014

The Wheel of The Year

Due to be released in time for Litha!!!

The Wheel of the Year is a beginners guide to celebrating the pagan festivals marking the changing seasons.
It has been written after many request from family and friends over the years for ideas on how to celebrate the turning of The Wheel; on appropriate spells, correspondences and activities.  It is available in both eBook format at all the major outlets and as a paperback on-line from Amazon or on request at all the major bookshops. The Wheel of the Year is now available and is in time to prepare to  celebrate, Litha, the Festival of Mid-Summer.

Celebrate the ancient and powerful magic held within the Wheel of the Year with this clear and well-ordered guide. This book is much more than a guidebook; it offers everything needed to mark the changing of the seasons in a meaningful and fulfilling way. Within these pages are suggestions for activities, spells, guided meditations and lists of correspondences for each of the eight Sacred Festivals. Learn something of the role of the Goddess and her Consort and gain an understanding of the important role the Festivals played for our ancestors. Also included are guidance on Casting a Circle and collecting and cleansing the basic tools used for Craft work. Although aimed at those new to the Craft it will give the more knowledgeable tried and tested ways to celebrate these ancient and beloved Festivals.
available at Amazon as a paperback and eBook

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